A Tin of Celebrations
We love a success story. Seeing our clients achieve their certification or accreditation, meet their targets and helping them across that finishing line gets our blood pumping. So when it happens we like to make a bit of a song and dance about it. You can read about some of our completed projects below, see what we do in a little more detail and, perhaps most importantly, see what our customers think of us!
Q! Success Stories

ISO 9001:2015 Gap Assessment and Action Plan
An emerging IT infrastructure and services provider needed a plan for achieving certification initially to ISO 9001, then ISO 27001...
Read moreStrategic Quality Review of Hydraulic Crane Installers
In association with Oakland Consulting. With the installation of its cranes largely outsourced, this world-leading manufacturer needed an assessment of the global installation landscape in terms of quality capability...
Read moreISO 9001:2015 Transition for 3M Premier Distributor
An adhesive products distributer with clients in the aerospace and automotive sectors needed help to transition their quality management system from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015...
Read moreISO 9001:2015 Certification for Lenders Technical Advisors
This small consultancy firm specializes in providing technical advice to lenders throughout the life of construction projects, from proposal through financial closure, due diligence, construction monitoring and operations monitoring...
Read moreISO 9001, 14001 and 50001 for Catering Services
With catering sites at over 70 locations, the head office of this national provider required a consultant on a long-term basis to support and develop their business management system in compliance with ISO 9001, 14001 and ISO 50001...
Read moreISO 9001:2015 Certification for Water Asset Management
This client came to us as a start-up business offering project management and consulting services in water asset management. The directors had established a fast-track schedule to achieve ISO 9001:2015 certification....
Read moreDesign Assurance Framework for ISO 9001
We were pleased to be engaged by this global supplier of fabrication, installation and refurbishment services to the oil, gas and wind power industries...
Read moreStrategic Quality Programme for Hydraulic Cranes
In association with Oakland Consulting. This client had recently outsourced all component manufacturing whilst retaining in-house mechanical, hydraulic and electronic assembly operations...
Read moreQuality Risk and Criticality in GSS Procurement
In association with Global SCS. Qfactorial was engaged to develop a strategic framework for embedding risk-based quality management into transactional procurement activity carried out in a remote (India), global shared services (GSS) function...
Read moreSupply Chain Quality Framework, Guidelines and Tools
In association with Global SCS. Qfactorial was engaged to develop a framework, guidelines and tools for enhancing and standardizing supply chain quality management across six continents...
Read moreManagement System Strategy, Design and Specification
Qfactorial was engaged to develop a framework and programme for the introduction of a business management system (BMS) for this global energy services business...
Read moreLessons Learned Process Improvement
Qfactorial was asked to develop a new and improved process for “lessons learned”, itself drawing upon the lessons of previous attempts to establish a process within the business management system (BMS)...
Read moreDue Diligence Partner Review
Qfactorial took part in a review of pre-unit arrangements for Johan Sverdrup, one of the largest oil fields on the Norwegian continental shelf...
Read moreDecision Dimensions for Defining Management Systems
A well-known, international management consultancy were looking for expert insights into the design choices being made by organizations when defining their management systems...
Read moreBMS Awareness Survey
A large project engineering organization commissioned Qfactorial to carry out an independent survey of user awareness and satisfaction in relation to their online business management system (BMS)...
Read moreTeam Building for Process Safety Review
A large, international, multi-disciplined team had been selected to carry out a process safety review at offshore oil and gas production facilities and onshore offices in Qatar.
Read moreWork Sharing in Virtual Project Teams
Concern about maximising the performance of virtual teams for project delivery prompted this international engineering organization to request an independent review of current arrangements for work sharing...
Read moreProcess Safety Performance Analysis
Having completed comprehensive process safety reviews for its operations in the North Sea, Middle East and Kazakhstan, this oil and gas operator was faced with a mountain of findings requiring analysis to identify trends...
Read moreProject Performance Investigation
Two significant oil and gas equipment supply projects were coming to an end. The UK-based contractor had realized that there were significant lessons to be learned from both projects and requested an investigation into the causes of delays and cost overruns...
Read moreInterim QHSE and Business Improvement Manager
A UK based structural and mechanical equipment supplier for the offshore oil and gas industry needed an interim manager for its corporate QHSE and Business Improvement function following recent high turnover in the manager’s position...
Read moreMind Mapping as a Tool for Auditing
When planning an audit of the HQ operations of a Nordic oil and gas operator, it was decided to experiment with the use of mind maps as tools for delivering the audit.
Read moreAudit of Contractor Management Arrangements
A small onshore oil producer in Kazakhstan had developed, as part of its management system, a process and tools for managing contractors...
Read moreISO 9001 Manufacturing Gap Assessment
A UK based equipment supplier for the offshore oil and gas industry, normally dependent on outsourced manufacturing, had acquired a manufacturing unit specializing in hydraulic equipment...
Read moreStrategic Audit Programme
This client was struggling to maintain and deliver its internal and supplier audit programmes and was concerned about the risk to product quality and its OHSAS 18001 and ISO 9001 certification...
Read moreGlobal Process Audit – Project Stage Gates
As part of this oil company’s transformational change initiative, a new project stage-gate process had been introduced. The Global Process Owner required an independent view of the process, not only from a compliance perspective...
Read moreSupport Function Gap Analysis
This assignment required the assembly and leadership of an international, multi-disciplined audit team to evaluate the F&A, IT, HSSEQ, HR, legal, commercial and procurement capabilities of an oil and gas exploration unit in Angola...
Read moreAchilles Verify QRM Working Group
As company representative on the Achilles Verify Group for the Norwegian and Danish sectors of the North Sea oil and gas industry, a hands-on contribution was made to the development of the Quality Risk Management (QRM) audit scheme...
Read moreManagement of Change
With poor Management of Change (MoC) recognized as one of the main contributory factors in process safety incidents, the target was to raise the standard of MoC across the global organization...
Read moreBusiness Case for a Global Management System
Whilst there was no resistance to the idea of a common global management system, the challenge was to find a solution that would be accepted in 8 business units of varying size, resource, maturity, operational focus, language and culture...
Read moreCorporate Audit Programme
A corporate audit programme was required to assess conformity and effectiveness with respect to a new suite of corporate HSSEQ standards and business processes.
Read moreIRCA Approved Lead Auditor Training Course
To support the development of corporate and local audit programmes to meet business, project and supply-chain objectives, and to ensure the quality, consistency and credibility of auditors across the global organization...
Read moreCorporate HSSEQ Standards for Process Safety
The company had identified corporate standards to be prepared to strengthen its global assurance of process safety. First, a framework was established for the standards activity...
Read moreISO 14001 Certification Programme
This was an assignment to obtain ISO 14001 certification for global oil and gas production operations, starting with gap analysis and including tendering, selection and mobilisation of an accredited certification body...
Read moreGlobal Process Safety Training Programme
With process safety high on the corporate agenda, a global training programme was required to raise awareness of its importance at all levels...
Read moreBuilding an International Quality Organization
Following the company’s FTSE floatation, the CEO of the Engineering & Construction Division required expert input to re-structure and strengthen the global Quality team to achieve a step change in quality performance...
Read moreeBMS Designed and Certified to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001
The initial scope of this assignment was to design and develop an online business management system (eBMS) for Petrofac’s UK Engineering Services operations, achieving ISO9001 certification...
Read moreEFQM and Integrated Business Improvement Plan
The assignment was to lead the transformation of the company’s traditional, ISO9002 compliance-based quality system into a fully integrated management system, including certification to ISO9001and AS9100.
Read moreQuality Cost Reduction by Process Mapping
The company was experiencing repeated and expensive nonconformity during complex machining of large, high value, critical aircraft components...
Read moreBusiness Continuity Plan
This was a project to create the first business continuity plan for this heavy engineering company, in the context of rapid expansion, high risk business development strategy and Y2K / “Millennium Bug” concerns.
Read moreKaizen and Shop Floor SOPs
As part of a Kaizen improvement initiative, the brief was to work directly with machine shop personnel and develop a user-friendly format for standard operating procedures.
Read morePaperless Management Systems
Although shop-floor operations were widely computerized, office administration activities were largely paper-based. After a crash-course in MS Access database programmin.,..
Read moreRescuing ISO 9001 and AS 9100 Certification
This family run business specialized in machining of complex metallic components, including gas turbine casings and aircraft landing gear...
Read moreMerger of Corporate Management Systems
Following the merger of M&M into the PB group, there was a need to restructure and extend the management system to include new operations in the UK, Switzerland and Spain...
Read moreISO 9001 Gap Analysis and Closure
A global firm of consulting engineers engaged in major infrastructure projects – roads, bridges, railways, airports – had initiated quality programs in its New York, Singapore and Madrid offices...
Read moreISO 9001 Certification for Infrastructure Consulting Engineers
This was an assignment to guide the Hong Kong operation towards ISO 9001 certification. With significant airport and MTR projects keeping everyone busy, spreading the workload was essential...
Read moreIntegrated Quality and Safety Management System
This joint venture between Maunsell and Parsons Brinckerhoff specialized in railway systems design, primarily for Railtrack and LUL...
Read moreISO 9001 Model for Small Consultancy Offices
A small profit centre within a larger organization, the Economic Studies unit needed to obtain stand-alone ISO 9001 certification to cover its advisory and reporting work...
Read moreISO 9001 Certification for Building Services Consultancy
This small building services consultancy operation required a documented management system to meet their specific business needs and obtain ISO 9001 certification...
Read moreISO 9001 for International Consulting Engineers
A large and well-established firm of consulting engineers working in the international power generation and distribution sector needed a quality management system to achieve certification
Read moreQuality Plan for Factory Closure and Production Relocation
Following a business merger and a strategic decision to relocate production operations, this large-scale mechanical engineering company took several risk mitigation actions…
Read moreQuality Cost Reduction for MOD Nuclear Projects
A manufacturer of high-specification equipment for nuclear defence applications was embarking on a cost reduction programme aimed at reducing rework, waste and inefficiency in production...
Read moreQuality Programmes for Nuclear Fabrication Projects
This world-renowned manufacturer of power and process plant equipment required quality programmes to be developed and implemented for a range of civil nuclear products...
Read more